Need tips for your Xytronic 379 soldering station?
I picked one up a couple of years ago at All Electronics for around $50. It’s a good little temperature controlled station and fits most of my needs. Now I want to try my hand at some surface mount work, however, and the tip it came with just won’t cut it. The little buggers are hard to find, too.
Fortunately for me, this guy – who runs what appears to be an investment site – for some reason decided to post about his soldering iron back in 2008. Turns out, the 379 will accept Hakko 900M tips. T18 tips are compatible with the 900M’s, so by extension…
A quick Fry’s trip later and I have a cheap test tip – and guess what: it works!
YMMV, but if you have one of these, it’ll probably work for you also.